test a non active_record class in models directory in rails 3?

hi i have a non active_record class in models dir which is like following:

class BuildSurvey


i want to test this class,so manually defined a test file which is like following

require 'test_helper' require 'build_survey' class BuildSurveyTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase


but when i ran test,i got error like this:

  undefined method '<' nil:NilClass

i want to know how to test a non active_record class in models directory in rails 3.can you help me?

hi i have a non active_record class in models dir which is like following:

class BuildSurvey


i want to test this class,so manually defined a test file which is like following

require 'test_helper' require 'build_survey' class BuildSurveyTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase


but when i ran test,i got error like this:

undefined method '<' nil:NilClass

i want to know how to test a non active_record class in models directory in rails 3.can you help me?

You don't have to do anything beyond what you've shown (the require build_survey is unnecessary) You're going to have to show a little more (eg what does the backtrace for that error look like?)


Frederick Cheung wrote in post #966198: