suggestion regarding permissions & co

hi, since im not fully satisfied with all the permissions-systems out there i was wondering if there is another way to handle the whole thing. Based on my experience on what i have seen in bigger systems, permissions are usually handled a bit different.

The Suggestion here (or my insanity) is coming from an ERP system which needs to handle many tables for many users with many different needs & settings. im talking about userX who can do that and (NOT) see that and so and so forth. So here comes my suggestion as well with questions since im sure this is not fully thougth through.

Lets assume we have something like a Sales-Order:

SalesOrderHeader -belongs_to: Customer -belongs_to: ShippingAgent -belongs_to: ShippingMethod -has_one: Comment -has_one: ShippingComment

SalesOrderLine -belongs_to: SalesOrderHeader -belongs_to: Stockkeepingunit -belongs_to: Item -belongs_to: ItemDiscountGroup -qty: integer …

as u can see, a basic SalesOrder(SO) consists of 2 basic tables. The tricky part are the associations & the permissions:

Suggestion A:

Having a ‘Security’-Table (call it whatever u want), holding this data:

  • name_of _the_table(or an ID id the models are somehow enumerated): String (value: eg SalesOrderHeader)

  • can_create: boolean

  • can_read: boolean

  • can_delete: boolean

  • can_update: boolean

  • filter: string (a reegular (my)sql-statemnt) (Value: eg: where Customer.Name != ‘Sony’)

  • user_id

  • this gives the ability to set permissions for each user on what he can('t) do on that model, including a filter.
  • this would need to be done for each table / model defined by the association too q: just giving the user access to the salesorderheader would that be enough? because of all the associations the user would need (to have(?)) access to the related tables / models too, right!?

Suggestion B

Lets define a ‘virtual / verbal’ Permission-Model, eg: “SalesOrder”.Obviously, we would need to store it somewhere too, so lets do the same, but a bit differentlty:

  • name: String (value: eg SalesOrder)

  • can_create: boolean

  • can_read: boolean

  • can_delete: boolean

  • can_update: boolean

  • filter: string (a reegular (my)sql-statemnt) (Value: eg: where Customer.Name != ‘Sony’)

  • user_id

by giving him access to that he gets access (wr?) to all associated tables / models too. This needs to be stored too then. but then somethign else pops into my head: some people should be able to maintain basic maindata and some not, which kinda redirects back to Suggestion A…

But maybe there is a way finding a merged solution out of both Suggestions, havent really thought through the whole thing though.

Summary: i know this topic is a painful one, but def an important one, especially when u look into erntperise-scaled apps.

Before i go further i would like to hear whatu guys think of “one cool” solutions which “just” fits. maybe we can come up with somehting, if not - oh well.But i hope u guys got the drift.

regards tom

ps: forgot the other part: even if a user needs to have different permissions on different SalesORder, that would basically be covered by the merged in Y-Table, which represents the “security”. but thats part2 anyway

why dont you like declarative authorization or cancan? i dont see why you cant do what you described with any of those