Stuff to do - Redmine - Error saving lists. Please refresh the page and try again

Hi, I am trying to save a list through this “stuff to do” plugin, but it leads me to an error which is

“Error saving lists. Please refresh the page and try again”

I have googled a lot but got no solution for this. Any idea?

Thanks, Shahroon

Hi Shahroon,   What does the log say? Can you paste it here!

This is in my production.log, but i dont understand that what sort of error is this?

Parameters: {“action”=>“index”, “user_id”=>“3”, “controller”=>“stuff_to_do”}

Rendering template within layouts/base Rendering stuff_to_do/index Completed in 0.06024 (16 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.01446 (24%) | DB: 0.03742 (62%) | 200 OK []

Processing StuffToDoController#index (for at 2009-03-08 11:42:26) [GET] Session ID: 84aab3623dfcea8c2e968d6cdd45065b Parameters: {“action”=>“index”, “user_id”=>“3”, “controller”=>“stuff_to_do”} Rendering template within layouts/base Rendering stuff_to_do/index Completed in 0.04952 (20 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.01078 (21%) | DB: 0.03140 (63%) | 200 OK []

Hi, The stuff to do plugin uses DB tables. So please run rake db:migrate_plugins, and check again. This should fix :slight_smile:

Yeah I know, I have already migrated the desire migration, but problem is something else.
