strange sqlite3 errors - validates_associated & failing activerecord unit tests

I'm getting two strange errors, both which I believe relate to sqlite3.

The first one is with validates associated. Here is my test:

require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper'

class SubscriptionPlanTest < Test::Unit::TestCase   fixtures :subscription_plans   fixtures :publications

  def setup     @six_month_gold = subscription_plans(:six_month_gold)     @gold = publications(:gold)   end

  def test_should_make_sure_record_can_be_created     sub_plan = create     pub = Publication.find(sub_plan.publication_id)     assert_valid pub, "publication errors: #{pub.errors}"     assert_valid sub_plan.publication, "sub_plan.publication.errors: #{sub_plan.publication.errors}"     assert_equal sub_plan.publication_id,

    assert_valid sub_plan, "errors: #{sub_plan.errors.to_yaml}"   end

private   # just a little util method to create a record with the necessary parameters   def create(h={})     SubscriptionPlan.create({       :price => 55.25,       :duration_in_months => 17,       :publication => @gold,       :active => false     }.merge(h))   end end

And here are the test results:

  4) Failure: test_should_make_sure_record_can_be_created(SubscriptionPlanTest)     [./../test_helper.rb:33:in `assert_valid'      subscription_plan_test.rb:19:in `test_should_make_sure_record_can_be_created']: errors: --- &id002 !ruby/object:ActiveRecord::Errors base: !ruby/object:SubscriptionPlan   attributes:     price: 55.25     duration_in_months: 17     deleted_at:     publication_id: 1     active: false   errors: *id002   new_record: true   publication: &id001 !ruby/object:Publication     attributes:       long_name: J. Taylor's Gold & Technology Stocks       id: "1"       version: "1"       short_name: gold     errors: !ruby/object:ActiveRecord::Errors       base: *id001       errors: {}

errors:   publication:   - is invalid . <false> is not true.

The test fails on line 19, which is the line:     assert_valid sub_plan, "errors: #{sub_plan.errors.to_yaml}"

Notice that the associated model has already been checked for errors in the previous assertion in the test, but assert sub_plan.valid? fails...

This lead me to running the unit tests for active record. When I run the tests through Rake ("rake test_sqlite"), they all pass. But when running the individual test "base_test.rb", I obtain failures. Here is the output:

euclid% rake -I "connections/native_sqlite3" base_test.rb /opt/local/bin/rake:17:Warning: require_gem is obsolete. Use gem instead. (in /Users/smtlaissezfaire/devel/rails/subscription_manager/vendor/rails/activerecord) rake aborted! Don't know how to build task 'base_test.rb'

(See full trace by running task with --trace) euclid% ruby -I "connections/native_sqlite3" base_test.rb Using native SQLite3 Loaded suite base_test Started .........F.................................................................................................................................F.. Finished in 3.775074 seconds.

  1) Failure: test_attributes_on_dummy_time(BasicsTest) [base_test.rb:903]: <Sat Jan 01 05:42:00 EST 2000> expected but was <nil>.

  2) Failure: test_utc_as_time_zone(BasicsTest) [base_test.rb:662]: <Sat Jan 01 05:42:00 UTC 2000> expected but was <nil>.

142 tests, 474 assertions, 2 failures, 0 errors

I also have heard of the problems with newer versions of sqlite. Here are my system specs:

OS: Mac OS X.4 ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [powerpc-darwin8.7.0] rails: edge revision 6139 sqlite3: version 3.3.7