starting record id is 10000 in oracle 10g ,why ?

i create a new model(User) and create a new record (User.create(attributes)) in oracle when i check User.find 1 in console it gives record not found error

when i try User.find(:first).id --> 10000

how to change this starting id into 1 ....

The following lines are in oracle_adapter.rb

        def create_table(name, options = {}) #:nodoc:           super(name, options)           seq_name = options[:sequence_name] || "#{name}_seq"           execute "CREATE SEQUENCE #{seq_name} START WITH 10000" unless options[:id] == false         end

I don't know why they decided to hard-code the 10000 in there. It would be nice if you could override it. I suggest submitting an enhancement request to the ruby-oci8 maintainer. A simple patch would be

        def create_table(name, options = {}) #:nodoc:           super(name, options)           seq_name = options[:sequence_name] || "#{name}_seq"           start_num = options[:start_with] || 10000           execute "CREATE SEQUENCE #{seq_name} START WITH #{start_num}" unless options[:id] == false         end

assuming the class chain starting with ActiveRecord::Migration passes all the options through. In the mean time you could monkey patch the class with the above method yourself.


I don't know why they decided to hard-code the 10000 in there. It would be nice if you could override it. I suggest submitting an enhancement request to the ruby-oci8 maintainer. A simple patch would be

        def create_table(name, options = {}) #:nodoc:           super(name, options)           seq_name = options[:sequence_name] || "#{name}_seq"           start_num = options[:start_with] || 10000           execute "CREATE SEQUENCE #{seq_name} START WITH #{start_num}" unless options[:id] == false         end

