slow acts as ferret indexing - taking 7 days for 10Million rows (2GB db)

The Ferret Indexing is taking very 7 days to complete (table with10Million row - DB size is about 2 gb). I could see my memory is used only 40% and cpu is utilized only 10%. but still the indexing is slow.

I am running ferret through DRB

My acts_as_ferret index definition looks something like this.

module Ferret::Analysis   class MyAnalyzer     def token_stream(field,text)     end   end end

ActsAsFerret::define_index('my_index',   :models => {       Product => {           :fields => {               :field_one => {:boost => 0.0576},               :field_two => {:boost => 0.0432},               :field_three => {:boost => 0.0432},               :field_four => {:boost => 0.0432},               :field_five => {:boost => 0.0144},               :field_six => :boost => 0.0144},               :field_seven => {:boost => 0.0036},               :field_eight => {:boost => 0.0036},               :field_nine => {:boost => 0.0036},               :field_ten => {:boost => 0.0009},               :field_eleven => {:boost => 0.0006},               :field_twelve => {:boost => 0.0002},               :field_thirteen => {:boost => 0.0000001}         }       }     },   :ferret => { :or_default => true,                  :analyzer =>                },   :remote => true,   :max_buffer_memory => 536870912, #setting to 512 MB for faster indexing. default value is 16 Mb.   :merge_factor => 5 #default value is 10. Lower number will speed up search but slow down indexing )

Is there anyway I can improve the performance of indexing ? I really love ferret and acts_as_ferret and and don't want to give-up to sphinx if there is a way.

appreciate your reply

regards madhu