skip password validation in authlogic

i am using authlogic for user authentication and authlogic-connect for facebook and twitter signup.what i need is that i need to skip validation on the password field if user is signup via facebook or environment is rails 3 and ruby 1.9.2. i have acts_as_authentic in my user model.however i can skip phone number validation like this validates :phone_number, :numericality => true,:unless =>{|user|user.oauth_user} def oauth_user     self.authenticated_with?(:facebook) || self.authenticated_with?(:twitter) end

i give like this acts_as_authentic do |c| c.require_password_confirmation=false :if =>{|user|user.oauth_user} c.validate_password_field=false :if =>{|user|user.oauth_user} end

but it does't work.any help please?

acts_as_authentic do |c| c.require_password_confirmation = false if c.oauth_user c.validate_password_field = false if oauth_user end


acts_as_authentic do |c|    if c.oauth_user c.require_password_confirmation = false      c.validate_password_field = false    end end

caveat: I don't use Authlogic, so this is a bit of a stab from looking at your code snippet... but it's what I'd try first :slight_smile:

Michael Pavling wrote in post #968500:

acts_as_authentic do |c| c.require_password_confirmation=false :if =>{|user|user.oauth_user} c.validate_password_field=false :if =>{|user|user.oauth_user} end

but it does't work.any help please?

acts_as_authentic do |c| c.require_password_confirmation = false if c.oauth_user c.validate_password_field = false if oauth_user end


acts_as_authentic do |c|    if c.oauth_user     c.require_password_confirmation = false     c.validate_password_field = false    end end

caveat: I don't use Authlogic, so this is a bit of a stab from looking at your code snippet... but it's what I'd try first :slight_smile:

thanks for you replay but it gives me an error "undefined method `oauth_user' for #<Class:0x00000005a63920>"

i have oauth_user method in my user model def oauth_user     self.authenticated_with?(:facebook) || self.authenticated_with?(:twitter) end this method will return facebook or twitter token if user is authorized with facebook or twitter respectively.other wise it will return nil. so i want to skip password validation unless this method return nil value.any help please?