singular_path calling index instead of show using a GET

I have a general query page that contains the following:

<% form_tag(search_url(@id), :method => :get) do %>   <%= text_field_tag(:id, '', :size => 25) %>   <p>     <%= submit_tag "Search Database" %>   </p> <% end %>

I want the URL to be serial_number/A1234 and it performs the search. That works in my controller. But the page wants to call index with a query string. I know and have as a hack redirect from index to show, but that just slows it down because of the redirect. I also can duplicate the code in both index and show, but that is not very DRY.

The controller is this:

  # GET /search   # GET /search.xml   def index     redirect_to(:action => 'show', :id => params[:id]) unless params[:id].nil?   end

  # GET /search/:id :id is search serial number   # GET /search/:id.xml   def show     unless params[:id].nil?       @items = tem.by_serial_number(params[:id])       respond_to do |format|         format.html # index.html.erb         format.xml { render :xml => @items }       end     end   end

Also, is there a way to change the default parameter from id to something that is more intelligent like in this case "serial_number" or sn?

Don French


Any Ideas?

Don French