Setting up Environment

I'm new to ruby on rails and have been struggling trying to set up the environment on my machines. I've never had so much trouble getting started (I must admit that I've primarily used Visual Studio 08 and C#.) I've run into almost constant problems with just getting the environment started. I've searched and usually found all the little tweaks I needed to make to get things going. But now, I'm almost there but I am plagued by problems like this:

I've never used RoR with Windows, but have had no setup problems on Linux (or Mac OS).

It seems to be a common opinion, though, that RoR on Windows is somewhat problematic. Maybe if you stick to the Linux install and get that working first... What are your issues there?

Not sure what the issue might be. If you are looking for pre- packaged rails development environment for Windows you may want to try instant rails....