I am like 50% through with this topic - but my assets are killing me
Shared a pdf of how I understand Rails handles requests: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B7DR8cTEbs3ta2JOR0l2RlVRZHlSdUVTTTFHaFFwdw
Andrew White (amongst others) lead me on my way to adding the ViewTemplate Model and accompanying Resolver class.
So, now I can serve templates and partials from the database - but with client-side rendering 'on the rise' (lately LinkedIn promoted Dust.js templating) - I would like my Rails to serve compiled*) view assets (templates) persisted not to the file system but to the database (because my Rails app should be able to handle a large number of view assets to a large number of customers like:
customer #1 Â Â Â posts/index: this is {{ customer.name }}'s posts
customer #2 Â Â Â posts/index: {{ something }}
I am perfectly aware that I may be displaying my utter ignorance on the subject and that this is neither "how it's done" nor very well described let alone possible at all - heck, it may even be included in the current master! In any case I do apologize and stand willingly corrected if someone will please point me to the correct way it's done <:)
Elsewise - is this a feature which the rails-core will consider - or should I hurriedly follow the advice to Alex Foley given by Victor Maitland? (Beverly Hills Cop (1984) - Quotes - IMDb)
Cheers, Walther
*) serving the view uncompiled is possibly if I will accept the penalty of having the client do a dust.compile( source )