Server starting failed (ruby 1.9.3p194, rails 3.2.3 )

Server starting failed (ruby 1.9.3p194, rails 3.2.3 )


Server starting failed (ruby 1.9.3p194, rails 3.2.3 )


Please read the FAQ section that was mentioned with the release of RubyInstaller 1.9.3-p194:

Will copy it here in case you don’t see it:

= Q: What means by “increased file descriptors”, how that affects me?

select() is a mechanism to set and clear the state of sockets that are waiting

for data. In other OS you have different ‘pooling’ mechanisms.

Most of the web servers that run on Ruby, specially the evented ones depends

on select().

Without this change these frameworks/libraries wouldn’t be able to use more

than 64 open sockets, which affects any of us attempting to use Ruby on Windows

for more than testing things out.

Please note that this is a workaround to a bigger issue: select() and the

associated functions are not the recommended or optimally way to interact with

sockets on Windows.

If you encounter a problem running a pre-compiled evented library against this

build, please ask the library author to recompile with -DFD_SETSIZE=32767.