Server side Validation


Does RoR provide logical validation on the server side ? Eg checking whether the amount in a particular field is the correct sum or product of some other fields or if the value between 2 fields have some relation, eg they are unequal etc. If there is an error, how is it displayed, is a flash[:message] the best method ?




Does RoR provide logical validation on the server side ? Eg checking whether the amount in a particular field is the correct sum or product of some other fields or if the value between 2 fields have some relation, eg they are unequal etc. If there is an error, how is it displayed, is a flash[:message] the best method ?

There are a bunch of validations you can use on your models
(validates_format_of, validates_inclusion_of etc...) and it's not hard
to right your own/customise it.

error_messages_for is often a decent enough presentation of errors,
but you could also iterate over model.errors and display them whatever
way you want
