Security Problem

If anyone has advice that'd be great.

In my app i have a show action in my video controller. I do not have any kind of caching setup at the moment that i know of. I have 2 other controllers that pretty much do the same thing and they are fine. my problem is when i click the link to go to the video_path(video) <- this is because i am using permalinks as shown in railscasts. the show view

1. logs me in, and 2. its displaying an older view? i have looked at my source in github and it is the most recent code. its like its being cached but i have cleared out all my cache, i have deleted all my cookies, I was using authlogic and i made the change to use the active record store. If i remove the permalink and just use the id, i get the page like it is supposed to be. Only when i use the permalink does it use this older view and log me in.

if anyone has experienced this please at a loss
