search url encoding looks like crap

I'm trying to search records with a date and the url looks like crap. Here is a url: %29%5D=8&search%5B%283i%292%281i%292007%282i%298%283i%29%5D=2&search%5B %283i%292%281i%292007%282i%298%281i%29%5D=2007 from what I've read its URL encoding. How can I get rid of it and make my url clean? Would I have to use a custom route? Thanks for any help.

Oh, here is my view:

<% form_tag attendances_path, :method => 'get' do %>   <p>Search attendances by date:     <%= date_select :search, params[:search], :use_short_month => true, :order => [:month, :day, :year] %> to     <%= submit_tag 'Search', :name => nil %>   </p> <% end %>