I wanted to know if i should use RVM? I have been using rails more and more and more now and am looking to keep ruby and ruby gems better together. Is it worth using RVM? And what does it acually do other then able me to swtich between ruby 1.8 and 1.9?

I wanted to know if i should use RVM?


I have been using rails more and

more and more now and am looking to keep ruby and ruby gems better

together. Is it worth using RVM? And what does it acually do other

then able me to swtich between ruby 1.8 and 1.9?

2 important things it does for me are:

  1. I make a gemset for every new project or testing with a new Rails version etc.

So every time, I have a new, clean gem environment (example below)

  1. it allows me to install multiple ruby versions, in my local home directory, without

worrying about the version that could be (or maybe not, I don’t care) installed by root

in the central /usr/… directories.



You can even streamline this a bit more by putting a .rvmrc file in your project folder:



rvm use @

RVM will automatically switch to the proper gemset and ruby version as you “cd” into the project folder (or out of it). There’s a lot more options available in the documentation.


Best regards

Peter De Berdt

This may help: http://jessecravens.com/09262011/rvm-ruby-version-manager-and-ruby-rails

Yes. +1 on everything peter said. RVM will make your life a lot easier and it helps you manage multiple projects much better.

Also... you don't have to sudo all the time when you're using RVM.

RVM +1. C'est le fun.

Easy site, pretty straight forward.


I like RVM, but after watching this Railscasts I saw that we have another good alternatives:


YES YOU SHOULD, it will save you a lot of headaches and it is the preferred way to install ruby nowadays

Vagrant is really nice, but I see it more as a solution to test your production environment locally than to manage gems or ruby versions.

Those VM images can be quite big, but are great to use as a staging server to make sure your production server will be able to run your Rails app (or an update) without any problems. Setting up your production environment on a virtual machine (a staging server if you want to call it that way) is great, especially combined with Chef. You can be fairly certain that your production server won’t go down because of some incompatibility or different/lacking dependencies between your e.g. OS X machine and your Ubuntu production server.

Best regards

Peter De Berdt

He is not talking about Vagrant , he is talking about rbenv which is mentioned in the episode