RVM alternatives

I understand that some people prefer rbenv, chruby, and perhaps other programs over RVM for Ruby on Rails. There is a list of alternatives at rvm/alt.md at master · rvm/rvm · GitHub .

I’m using RVM, because that’s what most people use and because that’s what railstutorial.org advocated in the past. (railstutorial.org now recommends nitrous.io.) RVM has worked well enough for me, and I have no plans at this time to switch my Debian Stable Vagrant box to something else. I haven’t tried the alternatives, but I’d like to hear from those of you who prefer one or more of the alternatives. I don’t have any plans to switch anytime soon, but it’s good to have an open mind in the event that my needs change or RVM makes changes that I don’t like.

What method of getting Ruby on Rails do you prefer, and why? What don’t you like about RVM?

To be honest, I use System Ruby + Bundler. Thanks to BrightBox PPA! This forces me to ensure that all my Ruby projects are using the latest (well, I say latest but still using 2.1.5 for everything), and is the easiest. I think it also makes debugging easier as it eliminates a certain class of problems.

Server infrastructure is managed via Puppet, so it’s just a tweak to a manifest and off we go.

I do recognise that this is probably unsuitable for consultants or people managing a large number of projects that must use older versions. But I’ve found 2.1 to be more or less a drop-in replacement for 1.9.3. YMMV.