rubyXL error - uninitialized constant RubyXL (NameError)

Hi ,

I am trying to read excel sheet from Ruby so i have installed RubyXL ( sudo gem install rubyXL ) .

After installed successfully , I am running with the below source code , but its giving error

mselv2m1:ruby_Code mselv2$ ruby ex.rb

**./rubyXL.rb:3: uninitialized constant RubyXL (NameError) **

from ex.rb:1:in `require'

from ex.rb:1

**//Source Code : **

cat ex.rb

require ‘rubyXL’

Thanks ,

Muthu Selvan SR

Hi All

I have tried my best to solve this issue but no luck for me …

Kindly help me to solve this issue , this is seem to be some environmental issue .

Thanks ,

Muthu Selvan SR

Hi ,

   I am trying to read excel sheet from Ruby so i have installed RubyXL ( sudo gem install rubyXL ) .

   After installed successfully , I am running with the below source code , but its giving error

   mselv2m1:ruby_Code mselv2$ ruby ex.rb * ./rubyXL.rb:3: uninitialized constant RubyXL (NameError) * from ex.rb:1:in `require' from ex.rb:1

*//Source Code : * cat ex.rb require 'rubyXL'

Your example works very well for me, or at least I don't get any error messages when I run that oneliner.

But I took a quick look over at, and had seen, that there are some dependencies as development deps only, which I think that should be full-deps (nokogiri for XML and rubyzip for unzipping that docx stuff), but also I don't think that this is really the problem…

Please check first, if rubyXL is installed correctly:

$ gem list | grep rubyXL

If not, try installing again and post the full output of the install command to the list, also please tell us if you are using rvm, rbversion or similar tools or the default ruby of your system package management system.

In any case tell us the version of ruby and ruby gems you are using.

sudo gem install rubyXL ---------> **EMPTY RESULT **

So installed rubyXL with the below command …

Fetching: rubyXL-1.2.10.gem (100%)

Successfully installed rubyXL-1.2.10

1 gem installed

Ruby version :

$ which ruby


Error while running ex.rb after installed the rubyXL

$ ruby ex.rb

NameError: uninitialized constant RubyXL

const_missing at org/jruby/

(root) at /Users/mselv2/ruby_Code/rubyXL.rb:3

require at org/jruby/

(root) at /Users/mselv2/.rvm/rubies/jruby-1.7.4/lib/ruby/shared/rubygems/custom_require.rb:1

(root) at ex.rb:1

Please let me should i do any thing and let me know if you required additional information to solve the issue ?

Thanks ,

Muthu Selvan SR

don't you need to require rubygems as well when running from a script?

*sudo gem install rubyXL* ---------> *EMPTY RESULT *

This line makes me assume, that you use a system ruby and no version manager…

* * *So installed rubyXL with the below command ...* * * Fetching: rubyXL-1.2.10.gem (100%) Successfully installed rubyXL-1.2.10 1 gem installed

*Ruby version :* *$ which ruby* /Users/mselv2/.rvm/rubies/jruby-1.7.4/bin/ruby

… while this one tells me, that you manage ruby versions with RVM.

You don't need `sudo` when using RVM, please try again installing rubyXL without sudo!

Please find the answer as in below …

Norbert Melzer >> What is RVM Version ? Muthu Selvan >> $ rvm version

rvm 1.20.13 (stable) by Wayne E. Seguin, Michal Papis []

Norbert Melzer >> Install rubyXL without sudo

Muthu Selvan >> gem install rubyXL

Fetching: rubyXL-1.2.10.gem (100%)

Successfully installed rubyXL-1.2.10

1 gem installed


$ rvm use jruby

Using /Users/mselv2/.rvm/gems/jruby-1.7.4

cucumber features/java.feature

/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:777:in `report_activate_error’: Could not find RubyGem cucumber (>= 0) (Gem::LoadError)

from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:211:in `activate'

from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:1056:in `gem'

from /usr/bin/cucumber:18

Did I get that right? You are installing first and then switching over to jruby? You should do that the other way round… But since I don't have knowledge about jRuby I can't tell you anything about that specific problem you have there… Try switching over to jruby and THEN installing cucumber.