Want to speak at RubyNation, an annual two-day, dual-track technical conference presented by the Washington, DC area Ruby Community? Then we want to hear from you! Submit a presentation proposal!
Know someone who would be a great speaker for us? Then help us out and let them know that we want to hear from them!
In other news, early tickets are available at http://www.rubynation.org/
Presentations should focus on helping our attendees by teaching from your experiences. The audience is primarily practicing Rubyists (of all levels), so talks should lean towards the technical side. All Ruby related topics will be considered (JavaScript, HTML5, Big Data, Agile, Start-Ups, too). Each presentation should be 40 minutes long, including time for questions and discussion.
Keep in mind that our audience will be fully-engaged members of the DC Area Ruby developer’s community. Your presentation should appeal to them. Presentations should be loaded with code and technical content. We are engineers. We want to be entertained, amazed, and have fun. Proposals containing marketing-based content will be sniffed out and booted!
Submit as many proposals as you want. More than one helps you get selected because we sometimes get similar talks from different people. If you only submit one, and it duplicates Jim Weirich’s keynote then your chances are slim. Panels or multi-presenter proposals are fine. Speakers will receive free admission to the conference and the speakers party/dinner the night before RubyNation, and the opportunity to address a large audience of talented and influential Rubyists!
We plan to videotape all the presentations, and make the videos available online for free. If that isn’t OK, just let us know in your proposal notes.
Please submit your proposal by 11:59:59 PM ET on Wed, Feb 1st, 2012. We reserve the right to accept and announce a few proposals before that time, but not too many. We’ll decide that as we go along.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at proposals@rubynation.org. Your presentation is important to us, we want to help make it as good as possible.
The RubyNation Team www.rubynation.org https://twitter.com/rubynation