RubyEval in SublimeText2

From the link: and

I got a good link to run the code in the editor itself like `IRB`. I have installed "RubyEval" using the ST2 package manger. Now can't understand how to run the code?

what is `super+k` command? I don't understand what's the hot key to run the code?

can anyone help me for the same?

Super is Command-key on Mac and Win-key on PC.

Additionally, verify if you have in Keys Preferences something like that: { “keys”: [“super+k”],“command”: “ruby_eval”}

Saludos, Ulises Cabanillas

Ulises Cabanillas wrote in post #1110998:

Super is Command-key on Mac and Win-key on PC. Additionally, verify if you have in Keys Preferences something like that: {"keys": ["super+k"],"command": "ruby_eval"}

Yes,I checked the that it is there. But still the code is not running with `super+k`.

please help!