rspec-rails-2.4.0 is released!

### rspec-rails-2.4.0 / 2011-01-02

[full changelog](

* Enhancements   * include ApplicationHelper in helper object in helper specs   * include request spec extensions in files in spec/integration   * include controller spec extensions in groups that use :type => :controller     * same for :model, :view, :helper, :mailer, :request, :routing

* Bug fixes   * restore global config.render_views so you only need to say it once   * support overriding render_views in nested groups   * matchers that delegate to Rails' assertions capture     ActiveSupport::TestCase::Assertion (so they work properly now with     should_not in Ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9.1)

* Deprecations   * `include_self_when_dir_matches`