routing requirements quick question

Hi everyone, first e-mail here :slight_smile:

I have the following in my routes.rb file.

map.connect 'posts/index/:page',             :controller => 'posts',             :action => 'index',             :requirements => {:page => /\d+/ },             :page => nil end

Does :requirements => {:page => /\d+/ } mean that if the :page parameter is empty this rule should not work?

Thanks in advance!

Yup! You probably want two routes:

map.connect 'posts/index/:page',             :controller => 'posts',             :action => 'index',             :requirements => {:page => /\d+/ }

map.connect 'posts/index',             :controller => 'posts',             :action => 'index',             :page => nil

Or more succinctly:

map.with_options(:controller => 'posts', :action => 'index') do |post_index|    post_index.connect 'posts/index/:page', :requirements => {:page => /\d+/}    post_index.connect 'posts/index', :page => nil end


Rob Biedenharn