Routing issue


map.connect '/ads/', :controller=>'ads', :action=>'index' map.connect '/ads/:id', :controller=>'ads', :action=>'show'

The above two lines i am using for routing in my application to show a list of ads when i visit at http:\\localhost:3000\add and an add with the id when i visit at http://localhost:3000\ads\1

now my question is how to set a root so that when i visit http://localhost:3000 the list of adds shoulb be displayed.. i already tried map.connect '/', :controller=>'ads', :action=>'index' but it did not worked.. please give any suggestion...

kiran wrote in post #965887:

HI, now my question is how to set a root so that when i visit http://localhost:3000 the list of adds shoulb be displayed.. i already tried map.connect '/', :controller=>'ads', :action=>'index' but it did not worked.. please give any suggestion...

delete "public/index.html" from project_path

map.connect '/', :controller=>'ads', :action=>'index this is working fine now thanx