routes mongrel, please help

I can't get rid of the "welcome aboard" page! Really, I'm not kidding.

I've deleted the public/index.html page (completely gone not just renamed) I've added a route for '' and '/' to my main application controller    map.connect '', :controller => "shows"    map.connect '/', :controller => "shows" I've cleared the cache on all my browsers I've restarted mongrel (multiple times) I've restarted apache (multiple times)

Where is it coming from!!!

OS: OS X 1.3.9 (server) HTTP: proxy to mongrel cgi_multipart_eof_fix (2.2) fastthread (1.0) fcgi (0.8.7, gem_plugin (0.2.2) mongrel (1.0.1) rails (1.2.3) rake (0.7.2) ruby (1.8.4)

Fixed. But I had to restart the server!