RoR - Search Forms with Checkboxes, display appropriate results

I have a form that allows me to search a hotel by city or name and by rating through radio buttons. It all works.

However, my hotel model has_one :facility, this facility model is composed by several boolean fields (for example, roomservice:boolean restaurant:boolean and so on)

The question is, I want to add checkbox fields for each facility I have and in the search form, when the user selects it and presses Search, it should only display the hotels which have those facilities. I've searched but i can't put it to work.

My hotel model:


    if params       arel = where('city LIKE ? OR name LIKE ?', "%#{params[:search]}%", "%#{params[:search]}%")       arel = arel.where('rating = ?', params[:rating]) if params[:rating].present?        (what to put here?)       arel     else       all     end   end My index view:

<%= form_tag hotels_path, :method =>'get' do%>         <p>             <b>Location:</b>             <%= text_field_tag :search, params[:search]%><br />

            <b>Rating:</b><br />             <%= radio_button_tag :rating, '5'%>5 Stars<br />             <%= radio_button_tag :rating, '4'%>4 Stars<br />             <%= radio_button_tag :rating, '3'%>3 Stars<br />             <%= radio_button_tag :rating, '6'%>Hostels<br />

            <b>Facilities:</b>             (what to put here?)

            <%= submit_tag "Search", :name => nil%>         </p>         <%end%> ... <% @hotels.each do |hotel|%>

<div id="name"> <h2> <%= link_to, hotel %> </h2> </div>

   <div id="description">

       <%= truncate(hotel.description, :length => 20) %>    </div>


Thanks in advance, I can't comprehend how to it with checkboxes when they can have multiple results.

Maybe this could be your answer:

def if params query = “SELECT * FROM Hotel where city LIKE ‘#{params[:search]}’ OR name LIKE ‘#{params[:search]}’”

query+= “AND rating = #{params[:rating]}” if params[:rating]

@hotels = find_by_sql(query) arel else @hotels = Hotel.all end end


<%= form_tag hotels_path, :method =>‘get’ do%>

Location: <%= text_field_tag :search, params[:search]%>

       <b>Rating:</b><br />
       <%= radio_button_tag :rating, '5'%>5 Stars<br />
       <%= radio_button_tag :rating, '4'%>4 Stars<br />

       <%= radio_button_tag :rating, '3'%>3 Stars<br />
       <%= radio_button_tag :rating, '6'%>Hostels<br />

       <%= submit_tag "Search", :name => nil%>



<% @hotels.each do |hotel| %>



<% hotel.facility do |facility|%>

<% end %>

<% end %>

aash dhariya wrote in post #1057118:

Maybe this could be your answer:

def    if params       query = "SELECT * FROM Hotel where city LIKE '#{params[:search]}' OR name LIKE '#{params[:search]}'"       query+= "AND rating = #{params[:rating]}" if params[:rating]       @hotels = find_by_sql(query)      arel    else      @hotels = Hotel.all    end end

Unforunatly the code above does not work. Its a logical error.


  <% @hotels.each do |hotel| %>      <p></p>

Isn't showing any hotels at all, even with the search empty. All I altered from your code was

query = "SELECT * FROM Hotel

to query = "SELECT * FROM hotels

which is the name of the table.

If anyone has anymore tips, I would really appreciate it.

Best Regards