restful_authentication rspec failures "Mysql::Error: Incorrect datetime value:"

I am getting 193 failures that all have "Mysql::Error: Incorrect datetime value:" how do i fix this??? i am new to rspec and restful_auth, so if i am doing something wrong, let me know!!!

windows xp rails 2.1.1

rails testproject cd testproject

# create my databases and edit database.yml

git init git submodule add git:// vendor/plugins/ rspec git submodule add git:// vendor/ plugins/rspec-rails git submodule add git:// vendor/plugins/restful_authentication git submodule init git submodule update ruby script/generate rspec ruby script/generate rspec_scaffold blog title:string content:text rake db:migrate rake spec # 37 examples, 0 failures git add . git commit -a -m "blog with passing rspec tests" ruby ./script/generate authenticated User Sessions rake db:migrate # 288 examples, 193 failures

1) ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in 'SessionsController on signout redirects me to the home page' Mysql::Error: Incorrect datetime value: '2008-09-13 21:22:52 UTC' for column 'remember_token_expires_at' at row 1: INSERT INTO `users` (`salt`, `updated_at`, `crypted_password`, `remember_token_expires_at`, `id`, `remember_token`, `login`, `created_at`, `email`) VALUES ('356a192b7913b04c54574d18c28d46e6395428ab', '2008-09-12 21:22:52', '6165929d552bca405be2db0bb538613c8bad7b08', '2008-09-13 21:22:52 UTC', 1, '77de68daecd823babbb58edb1c8e14d7106e83bb', 'quentin', '2008-09-07 21:22:51', '')

it turns out mysql was installed in a safe mode or something i found this Now, open the my.ini file located at c:program files/MySQL/MySQL Server X.x/my.ini. Add a # at the begining of the line: sql- mode="STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION" Type sql_mode='' on the next line and save the file. restart mysql

fixed it