REST and STI Design Pattern


I am building an ecommerce site that will support pretty complex (and very different) products. However, there are major portions that will remain constant (such as associating with a store front-end, categories, etc) so I don't want to have to remake those pieces of functionality for each type of Product.

As an example, I am working with Goods (Product subtype that carries inventory and varients) and Imports (Product subtype that is completely customized to be ordered and imported from overseas). Here is what I have figured out as far as the structure.

For a Good with ID => 1 I would have these resources goods/1 goods/1/good_varients products/1/product_stores

And for Import of ID => 2 I would have imports/2 imports/2/import_suppliers products/2/product_stores

I think that will work, although linking between these scenarios becomes problematic as the return from product_stores would need to go to either goods/1 or imports/1. I would rather not have a conditional coded into each link as there will be more product types in the future (and it would not be DRY, etc).

I tried to make a helper that would correctly route based on the product type, but it would not work with arguments.

This worked: eval(@product[:type].underscore+'_path) # it generated the path

This did not work: eval(@product[:type].underscore+'_path(:id =>1)') #tried other variations as well

So, I'm completely stumped. Either I need to rethink my design pattern for my resources or I need to figure out how to dynamically call resource paths.

Any help would be extremely appreciated, I've been staring at this problem for the past few days.
