Rescue don't work on web applications

You are using the backtick operator improperly. Basically, you are doing this:

render(:text => "<pre>" + CGI::escapeHTML(IO.popen("          begin           /home/luc/radrails/cpe/public/startq_test.rb #{syntf.path}           rescue NoMethodError,SyntaxError,NameError,StandardError,SystemExit,ScriptError => snfault           fltlog ="/test/result/script.log", "w")           fltlog.puts "#{snfault}"           fltlog.close          end

         ").read) + "</pre>")

which executes your shell with "begin /home/luc/radrails/cpe/public/startq_test.rb ...". Since you are trying to execute ruby code in the shell, you lose.

Something like this may work, though:

render(:text => "<pre>" + CGI::escapeHTML(eval("          begin           /home/luc/radrails/cpe/public/startq_test.rb #{syntf.path}           rescue NoMethodError,SyntaxError,NameError,StandardError,SystemExit,ScriptError => snfault           fltlog ="/test/result/script.log", "w")           fltlog.puts "#{snfault}"           fltlog.close          end

         ")) + "</pre>")

Make sure you check the values of syntf.path and snfault carefully before doing that.



Thanks for your solution I’ll test this. But I also did a lot of other checks:

If you start via cli a Ruby script with the next info:

begin eval(“#{fquery}”)

rescue SyntaxError,NameError,StandardError => snfault fltlog.puts “#{snfault}” → put result in a file end

… Method: In case of a bug via rescue a log file has all the information.

When you put a syntax fault in fquery: example → pust “test” (puts) everything works in CLI. You get the log file. But if you start the same script via a Ruby on Rails controller you don’t get de result = log file.

I did several tests and I’m sure that ‘rescue’ don’t work via ruby on Rails controller. (starting an external script) Is it a bug ?