repeating form

I have a controller that creates a new sale def new     @bakery_output =   end

  # GET /bakery_outputs/1;edit   def edit     @bakery_output = BakeryOutput.find(params[:id], :include => [:recipe, :customer])   end

  # POST /bakery_outputs   # POST /bakery_outputs.xml   def create     @bakery_output =[:bakery_output])

    respond_to do |format|       if         flash[:notice] = 'Sale was successfully created.'         format.html { redirect_to bakery_output_url(@bakery_output) }         format.xml { head :created, :location => bakery_output_url(@bakery_output) }       else         format.html { render :action => "new" }         format.xml { render :xml => @bakery_output.errors.to_xml }       end     end   end

and a view to go with it

<table width="690" border="0" align="center">   <tr>     <td colspan="6"><h3>New Sale<%= error_messages_for :bakery_output %>       <% form_for(:bakery_output, :url => bakery_outputs_path) do |f| %>     </h3></td>   </tr>   <tr>     <td colspan="5">&nbsp;</td>   </tr>   <tr>     <td><b>Customer</b></td>     <td><b>Recipe</b></td>     <td><b>Qty</b></td>     <td><b>Date</b></td>     <td><b>Batchcode</b></td>   </tr>   <tr>     <td><% @customers = Customer.find(:all, :order => "company")%>       <%= f.collection_select(:customer_id, @customers, :id, :company) %></td>     <td><% @recipes = Recipe.find(:all, :order => "name")%>       <%= f.collection_select(:recipe_id, @recipes, :id, :name) %></td>     <td><%= f.text_field :sales_quantity, :size => 3 %></td>     <td><%= f.date_select :saledate %></td>     <td><%= f.text_field :salebatchcode, :size => 10 %></td>   </tr>   <tr>     <td colspan="5"><%= submit_tag "Create" %></td>   </tr>   <tr>     <td colspan="5"><% end %>     <%= link_to 'Cancel', bakery_outputs_path %></td>   </tr> </table>

I want to be able to initiially have the ability to have 5 sales, saved to the database, and after that to make it ajax friendly using partials etc. I want to do this 1 stage at a time as I am new to rails and want to try to understand more fully what is going on. So my question is how do I achieve the 5 sales from a display and controller point of view. thanks Martin

Mark Bush wrote:

Martin Evans wrote:

I want to be able to initiially have the ability to have 5 sales, saved to the database, and after that to make it ajax friendly using partials etc. I want to do this 1 stage at a time as I am new to rails and want to try to understand more fully what is going on. So my question is how do I achieve the 5 sales from a display and controller point of view. thanks

Not sure exactly if this is what you want but it sounds similar and may be the starting point you need:

#74 Complex Forms Part 2 - RailsCasts

Yes thanks I've seen that and could see how it worked where there was a one to many relationship between project and tasks. I tried implimenting some of the ideas and failed miserably. It's the initial part I need most assistance with I think after that I would be able to apply the knowledge from the screencasts. thanks Martin


Yes thanks I've seen that and could see how it worked where there was a one to many relationship between project and tasks. I tried implimenting some of the ideas and failed miserably. It's the initial part I need most assistance with I think after that I would be able to apply the knowledge from the screencasts. thanks Martin

These are the steps:

Create a rails project Configure your database Create a controller called sales. Use script/generate controller sales Create an action in the sales controller called index Create a model called Sale. Use script/generate model Sale Fill in the migration (it's in db/migrations folder) to include at least an attribute called name (for our demo) in the index action, add the following line:   @sales = Sale.find(:all) now, in your views volder, go into the sales subfolder, and create a file called index.rhtml in that file, add the following:

<% for sale in @sales %> <p> Name: <%= %> </p> <% end %>

this will loop through all the sales, printing out their name.

If you need help with any of those steps let us know.

Now, what model do you want to assocation to sales? Then we can go from there.


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Ah okay.

So in your controller, in the new action, add in @sales = [] * 5

In the view, loop over them like this:

<% for sale in @sales %> Product: <%= text_field 'sale', 'product' %> Amount: <%= text_field 'sale', 'amount' %> <% end %>

I'm guessing you've got product and amount... and you want them stored
as text... you could have anything... the important thing is the

Then in your receiving controller action (create), you need to loop
through, updating them all using a special syntax

Sale.update(params[:sale].keys, params[:sale].values)


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VIDEO #3 out NOW!

Julian Leviston wrote:

Ah okay.

So in your controller, in the new action, add in @sales = [] * 5

In the view, loop over them like this:

<% for sale in @sales %> Product: <%= text_field 'sale', 'product' %> Amount: <%= text_field 'sale', 'amount' %> <% end %>

I'm guessing you've got product and amount... and you want them stored as text... you could have anything... the important thing is the specifier

Then in your receiving controller action (create), you need to loop through, updating them all using a special syntax

Sale.update(params[:sale].keys, params[:sale].values)


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Thanks for your help I think that will assist me a lot, but what do I use for the form notation

regards Martin

Just what you'd usually use.


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VIDEO #3 out NOW!

Julian Leviston wrote:

Just what you'd usually use.


Learn Ruby on Rails! Check out the FREE VIDS (for a limited time) VIDEO #3 out NOW!

Hi I'm still struggling with this what should my form_for line say

thanks for any help given regards Martin