remote_function - how to include a id of current model

Hi all,

Hope someone can help me out with this weird problem, I'm sure it's something simple.

All I want to do is send the ID of the current model from the view into the controller via a remote_function call

basiclaly I'm adding a word to a list using a check box:

check_box_tag "list_ids",, list.words.include?(word), { :onchange => remote_function(:url => { :controller => "list", :action => "add", :id => }, :with => "word_id + '=' + # {}" ) }

The part which isn't working is specifically this:

:with => "word_id + '=' + #{}"

If I remove it the code works but obviously I need that in the controller so I know which word to add to the list.

Thanks in advance!


Hi all,

Hope someone can help me out with this weird problem, I'm sure it's something simple.

All I want to do is send the ID of the current model from the view into the controller via a remote_function call

basiclaly I'm adding a word to a list using a check box:

check_box_tag "list_ids",, list.words.include?(word), { :onchange => remote_function(:url => { :controller => "list", :action => "add", :id => }, :with => "word_id + '=' + # {}" ) }

First off, you could just include word_id in the :url options. If you do want to use :with then the value needs to be a fragment of javascript that evaluates to an appropriate bit of query string - I've got some examples here:


when you use remote_function the :with option actually expect javascript code. in your code remote_function helper is assuming "word_id + '=' + # {}" is a javascript code. so you can do any of the following two things    :with=> "'word_id='+document.getElementById('word_id').value" where word_id will be the id of that element                                or    you can send it to with the :url option

Thanks for the help, I didn't realise that you can simply add any paramter to the url call, as so:

link_to_remote 'Click', :url => {:action => 'foo', :some_param => 42, :something_else => 'hello world'}

the link to the blog post you posted was truncated and didn't work so I had to google for it, so I've made a short link here:
