remote_form_for with auto_complete_field

Hi friends

I have problem with auto_complete_field.

I have used auto_complete_field with in the remote_form_for. But when we enter the text in auto_complete_field two actions are calling

1. auto_complete_field action 2. remote_form_for action

I need to restrict the form action when we enter text on auto_complete_field

Could u give any ideas?

<div id="<%=filter_criterion.dom_id%>">

<% remote_form_for :filter_criterion, :html => {:id => filter_criterion.dom_id + '_form' } do %>

<%= text_field :search, :oid, :size => 20, :value => result %>       <div class="auto_complete" id="search_oid_auto_complete"></div>       <%= auto_complete_field :search_oid, :url => {:action => 'auto_complete_context', :controller => 'admin',:frequency => 5000} %> <% end %>

<%= observe_form filter_criterion.dom_id + '_form',:frequency => 5,:url => {:action => 'update_filter_criterion', :controller=>'filters', :id=>}, :with => 'value=value' %> </div>