Reload classes if they are new/changed in Production Mode

Is there a way to check if there are any new classes or any existing classes that have changed in the lib/ folder?, and if there are then to reload them into Rails?

My application is a simply a parsing application that parses multiple types of formatted documents. New parsers are added regularly and It would be best for me if i could just drop another parser into the lib/ folder and have it included in the system, without having to restart the rails application.

I already have a method that scans for Parsing classes to use:

parsers = ObjectSpace.each_object(Class) do |klass|    if klass.superclass==Parser && klass.methods.include?("is_compatible?") && klass.instance_methods.include?("parse")       parsers << klass    end end

So basically, i need a scanner that will check every so often to see if any new parsers have been added or any existing parsers changed, and if so, then load them!!

Any help is appreciated,

Thanks Chris

I do not think this is possible as the app is loaded in memory in full when the (Mongrel) server starts. That is why having cron jobs is relatively expensive. Not much help, sorry.