relating controllers... How to?

Hi, anyone can help me? I have 2 model : Error and Error Detail

Error: Error_name, tot_errors Error Detail: Error_name , details for error


Error = Error_type1 | 5 Error Detail = 5 lines with Error_name=Error_type1

I want to show this:

Ro wrote:

then I put in " Show Error Detail Link " a <%= link_to "Show", :controller => "error_details" ,:action => "index", :task_errore => error.type %> and create method in error_details controller as

def index(task_errore)     if !session[:user_id]       redirect_to :controller => 'user', :action => 'login'     else

        @ngn_errors = NgnError.find(:all, :conditions =>[" task_errore = nvl(?, task_errore) ", task_errore ])

    end end

But when I click on link he say me: ArgumentError in NgnerrorsController#index

wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)

Controller actions don't take arguments. You need to pass :task_errore in the params hash (params[:task_errore]).

def index   task_errore = params[:task_errore]   ... end

Or something to that effect.

Thank you! this works!!!!

Happy new year!