redirecting to uploaded files directory


I'm running into a bit of a newb issue here. I've created an app with attachment_fu which by default created a directory within public as "public/#{tablename}". But now when I try and browse to my default action for that resource which is the same actionname as my tablename I get redirected to a file listing of that public/tablename directory... within my index view of that action I want to display the file I've uploaded but I cannot figure out why it's redirectiing to the files directory attachment_fu has uploaded the file to. not sure if this is a webserver (apache/passenger) or a rails routing issue...

hope that makes sense

can anyone please help?

thanks in advance


I meant to type same controller name as the default directory attachment_fu creates; I get a server listing of files instead of the index of that resource.

my bad.

any thoughts?