redirecting .php / .aspx requests ?

I'm rebuilding my site and with google i'm getting a load of requests for .php or .aspx files which the previous site was built on.

Is there any way of redirecting these requests to the /index action via the routes, maybe a wildcard, so google sitemaps doesn't list those old links as errors?

I'm rebuilding my site and with google i'm getting a load of requests for .php or .aspx files which the previous site was built on.

Is there any way of redirecting these
requests to the /index action via the routes, maybe a wildcard, so google sitemaps doesn't list those old links as errors?

You could do this via a mod_rewrite rule, or if you just want rails to
accept those urls, you should be able to do that by adding a pseudo
mime type (in the same say that you can do to yourapp/orders.xml and
get an xml representation, you should be able to add pseudo types for
php and aspx that just behaved the same as the html ones)


ok, so if i add a type for php,

Mime::Type.register "application/x-httpd-php", :php

and then something in my route.rb to redirect any .php calls to the appropriate place i should be ok?