redirecting if cookie doesn't exist

Hi all,

I cannot get this to work at all .. it never does the redirect.

I have two authentication cookies set ... Rails reads thier values fine if they exist

If they don't exist, I want to redirect the user to the login page -- which is not a rails controller/model ....(single sign on location)

I figured I'd add the code to the application_helper ... so that I could reference it in all my views.

module ApplicationHelper

  def ifLoggedIn()         useridcookie=cookies[:UserID]         usersessioncookie=cookies[:usersession]         if (!useridcookie)           redirect_to "http://loginpage.html"         end         if (!usersessioncookie)           redirect_to http://loginpage.html         end   end end

Well, in the example you posted, you don't have quotes around the second "http://loginpage.html/"\.\.\. though maybe that's just a error in copying.

Other than that, maybe try some logging in there to see what's happening...


PS: Oh, one more thing... I think most people usually do their logged in check in the ApplicationController (application.rb) and hook it up as a before_filter for all their actions. That way you won't have to put ifLoggedIn in every single view.

Chris Earle wrote: