Tom, can you post your controller code, it will probably be best to show you by example.
Can you please paste the entire controller so I can see how things
like @coach are getting populated. And also post the Coach model (I'm
assuming there is one). Please use so I don't
have to reformat the code (after getting mangled)
Cheers, Nicholas
Hey, no problem, Tom - I thought I had provided a solution before
Honestly, I wouldn't worry about the performance at this point. I'm not sure what sort of traffic you are expecting, but if it does become a problem you could try implementing a caching mechanism (e.g. memcache) if it does become an issue. For now, go with the before filters and it will save you a lot of headaches.
I must say though, I would really recommend splitting that controller up though. It looks like you are maintaining about 5 different resources/models in the one controller. It would make it a lot easier for you to split them out into five different controllers - each for coach, teams, players etc. I think it would make things a lot easier to maintain.
Is that enough to move you forward?
Even though your "composite" view displays different models you can split it into different controllers. Let's use a basic example of a team has_many players. For this example, I would have two controllers, TeamsController and PlayersController. This would allow for individual updates of each of the models. Even though my "show" method for a team has a list of players as well. In my show template, I can all players in that team by doing something like this:
<h1>Team Detail View</h1>
<h2><%= %></h2>
<%= render :partial => "players/player", :collection => @team.players %>
In this example I am listing all players of a team with a partial in a different directory. This naming convention is nice way to go because in rails 2.0 you will be able to do this:
<%= render :partial => @team.players %>
Finally, if you have the situation that you create a player when you create a team you could do something like this in your TeamsController:
def create @team =[:team]) @player =[:player]) if redirect team_url(@team) # or simpley redirect @team in rails 2.0 else render :action => 'new' end end
if you were simply adding a player to an existing team do this in your PlayersController:
def create @team = Team.find(params[:team_id]) @player =[:player]) if redirect team_url(@team) # or simpley redirect @team in rails 2.0 else render :action => 'new' end end
If you want a complete example check out Beast (forum written rails) to show you how to divide an application up.
You may consider doing a little reading on RESTful design. Although you may not want to make it a restful application, it's a great design technique. Basically, there is a one to one mapping of controller to model and you controller is restricted to the following methods: index, show, new, create, edit, update, and destroy. There's always exceptions of course, but its a great pattern to following.
Helpful? Confusing?
Cheers, Nicholas