Re-usable template pattern - yield?

Hi all. I have something that's like a helper and like a partial but not quite either. Instead of typing this:

  <% if (page = ComatosePage.find_by_path("general/explore")) || current_user.admin? %>     <div class="quarter">       <div class="module">         <%= page ? page.to_html : "Comatose article 'general/explore' not found" %>       </div>     </div>   <% end %>

I want to do something like this but i can't get my head around quite how to set it up:

  <% comatose_article("general/explore") do |article| %>     <div class="quarter">       <div class="module">         <%= article %>       </div>     </div>   <% end %>

This is so i can use the same pattern of "if the article's not there show nothing at all, unless the current user is an admin in which case show the 'missing article' message", but with arbitrary html wrapped around the actual article (in this case the arbitrary html is the quarter and module divs)

grateful for any advice - max

A helper that yields is what you want. Have a look at the concat & capture helpers too.


Frederick Cheung wrote:

This is so i can use the same pattern of "if the article's not there show nothing at all, unless the current user is an admin in which case show the 'missing article' message", but with arbitrary html wrapped around the actual article (in this case the arbitrary html is the quarter and module divs)

A helper that yields is what you want. Have a look at the concat & capture helpers too.


Thanks for the prod Fred. I knew it would be something using yield but couldn't quite get my head around it. It turned out to be simpler than i thought:

  def comatose_article(path)     if page = ComatosePage.find_by_path(path)       yield page.to_html     elsif current_user.admin?       yield "Couldn't find '#{path}' page"     end   end

Cheers, max