Rapidfire v3.1.0 Released


Rapidfire v3.1.0 Released


Rapidfire is a ruby gem which makes adding dynamic surveys functionality to your rails app much easier. It allows you to add multiple surveys and you can customize it according to your application’s requirement.


  1. Support for Rails 5.1+.

  2. Added Kaminari as a soft dependency for pagination.

  3. Added MIT license for the gem.

  4. Added attribute ‘introduction’ to Survey model.

  5. Removed capybara-webkit as a dependency.

  6. Fixed position field to be displayed on the form.

  7. Added a proper label and input ids for checkbox and radios with non-sanitized values.

  8. Added defaults and placeholders for text and textarea inputs.

  9. Configurable redirection after answer attempt.

  10. I18n support and generator.

You can check the demo app at Rapidfire Demo.

Checkout Rapidfire on Rapidfire on Github.

Big thanks to all the contributors.


Akshay Sasidharan,

Codemancers Tech Pvt. Ltd.

Very nice, how do you actually add the questions to the survey? Can’t seem to do that in the demo.

Use the credentials provided in the Sign in page to sign in. You'd be able to create surveys after that.

From the surveys that are listed you can click on the survey that you created and then add questions to it.