rails/ruby memory leak

got it. just compiled stable-snapshot, fresh gems, fresh rails - and i'm off and smoking my macbook...

a @ http://codeforpeople.com/

yup i got that. i'm at the same now, with svn rails, and nothing but rubygems, fcgi, and sqlite3 installed via gems. currently, with my machine on a frozen pizza box to keep it cool, i'm seeing

here's where i'm at

   1) ruby 1.8.6 (2007-06-18 patchlevel 5000) [i686-darwin8.10.1]

   2) latest rubygems + fcgi and sqlite gems

   3) rails is straight is edge out of svn

and, after 200k requests

So I'm curious then, how can we look at a sessionless based system that still provides functionality like carts and such for our apps?

Anyone reference a blog post or two I can learn from?

I think you may have misunderstood this thread? Edge Rails still has sessions? Why would you try to design without them?

my results with stable-snapshot ruby, rails edge, and cookie based sessions:

Could that be related to method generation on fetched records?

well, in all the leaks object count is steady. but i supposed it could be.

a @ http://codeforpeople.com/

I tried with 1.2.4 and saw very slow rsize growth also, from 28212 -> 28852 after 80000 requests.

I'm going to try with sessions off and a simple Session.find(:first) in the action.


thanks alot jeremy - the pizza trick really did work!

also, i'm going to leave this running on my linux box for a week to see what that does. the slowness of it is frustrating - if only it leaked more... :wink:


a @ http://codeforpeople.com/

exactly! method creation makes symbols, not objects I beleive probably if you keep tabs on the symbol table...

yes i see what you are saying, however to constitute a leak the symbols generated would have to be different somehow each time. while possible, it seems unlikely. nevertheless i'll have a look at it using Symbol.all_symbols.


a @ http://codeforpeople.com/

an updated post and tar ball can be found here


i added tracking of the number of symbols. they don't seem to grow.


a @ http://codeforpeople.com/

doesn't look like it


note the symbol and object counts remain steady

i also updated the tar ball online if anyone want's to have a go.
