Rails Guides Idea: User can specify their OS type to filter setup instructions

hi folks,

on the development dependencies install guide page,

would it be a good idea to let the user specify their OS type before seeing the setup instructions ?

ie. rather than giving the commands for all the OS types - one after the other

2.4.2 MySQL and PostgreSQL

To be able to run the suite for MySQL and PostgreSQL we need their gems. Install first the servers, their client libraries, and their development files.

On OS X, you can run:

$ brew install mysql $ brew install postgresql

Follow the instructions given by Homebrew to start these.

In Ubuntu just run:

$ sudo apt-get install mysql-server libmysqlclient15-dev $ sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-client postgresql-contrib libpq-dev



The suggestion is that, show all the OS types by default. But let the user specify their OS type to filter quickly.

A script which the user can download and just run, will also be nice

A script which the user can download and just run, will also be nice

Have you seen "The Easy Way"?


hi Xavier,

Have you seen “The Easy Way”? http://guides.rubyonrails.org/development_dependencies_install.html#the-easy-way.

Have seen it, but was thinking more of improving the hard way

ie. the hard way is for people who want to install it manually

personally i guess - because a VM is slower.

So after asking for the user’s OS type, give an option to download an install script.

It will have the same commands as given in the guide,

or alternatively detect the OX type in the install script.

Like how homebrew (http://brew.sh) has an install script at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install

and RVM (RVM: Ruby Version Manager - Installing RVM) has an install script at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wayneeseguin/rvm/master/binscripts/rvm-installer

I am not sure about scripts. In particular in Mac OS X this stuff is not standardized: Homebrew, MacPorts, Postgres.app, different Ruby version managers, etc. The assumptions you can make are few. Also, IMO not worth doing a super flexible and smart installer for this simple task. If you go the hard way you probably have already half of the things installed and taking the remaining steps is not going to be a big deal.

It is difficult to say if reorganizing that section and adding a filter would be good, but probably worth giving it a try to be able to compare both versions. You interested in exploring this?


It is difficult to say if reorganizing that section and adding a filter would be good, but probably worth giving it a try to be able to compare both versions. You interested in exploring this?

yes. absolutely. will send a patch and attach a GIF for comparison.


not sure how to wrap a div

something like css - Can I define a class name on paragraph using Markdown? - Stack Overflow need it to show/hide sections of the text

have attached a screenshot of the select. have added it at the very top

rendered inside a notice section