Rails database table relational issue

I am a newbie in ruby on rails it's also my first ruby application. The problem is database relation I am trying to make relation within two tables and the same procedure are working properly in another relation but here it's showing an error.

The error is:

    'undefined method `create_applied_jobs' for nil:NilClass'

Here are my codes:


   class AppliedJob < ActiveRecord::Base      belongs_to :jobseekers    end


   class Jobseeker < ActiveRecord::Base       has_one :applied_job    end


   def create       params.permit!       if @applied_job =       @current_user.create_applied_jobs(params[:applied_job])         flash[:notice] = "You have applied successfully"         render "viewDetails"      else         render "viewDetails"         flash[:warning] = "Please try agian"     end end


    def current_user        @current_user ||= Jobseeker.find_by(jobseeker_id: session[:user_id])     end


    <%= form_for :applied_job, url: viewDetails_path(@applied_job), action: :create, method: :post do |f| %>       <ul class="form-style-1">         <li><label>Preferred Joining Date<span class="required">*</span></label>             <%= f.text_field :preffered_joining_date, class: 'field-long', id: 'datepicker', placeholder: 'Preferred Joining Date'%>         </li>         <li>             <label>Expected Salary <span class="required">*</span></label>              <%= f.text_field :expected_salary, class: 'form-control', placeholder: 'Expected Salary'%>         </li>         <li>              <input type="submit" value="Submit" />         </li>     </ul> <% end %>

I am a newbie in ruby on rails it's also my first ruby application. The problem is database relation I am trying to make relation within two tables and the same procedure are working properly in another relation but here it's showing an error.

The error is:

    'undefined method `create_applied_jobs' for nil:NilClass'

If you look more carefully at the stack trace (in the server window or in log/development.log) you should be able to see which line of your code caused the problem.

Here are my codes:


   class AppliedJob < ActiveRecord::Base      belongs_to :jobseekers    end


   class Jobseeker < ActiveRecord::Base       has_one :applied_job    end


   def create       params.permit!       if @applied_job =       @current_user.create_applied_jobs(params[:applied_job])

I am assuming that it this line that has generated the error. The error means that you have called create_applied_jobs on a variable that is nil, so @current_user is nil. Perhaps you have not called current_user, I don't see where you are calling current_user to set it up. In fact I am not sure why you don't just have current_user.create_applied_jobs(params[:applied_job]) though I have not looked in great detail at your code so there may be a reason.


    'undefined method `create_applied_jobs' for nil:NilClass'


   class Jobseeker < ActiveRecord::Base       has_one :applied_job    end

In addition to what Colin has said about setting up @current_user, you may need to change the method call.

Since this is a has_one relationship rather than has_many, it might need "create_applied_job" (i.e., singular) instead. (Though it seems to me you probably want to change the has_one to has_many instead, to allow seekers to apply to multiple jobs. Possibly even :through some kind of JobApplication model, where you can store the date, status, etc.)
