Rails and Partials

Excuse my ignorance on partials but.....

I am trying to use partials to create a uniform display box built with html tables. The only way I have thought about accomplishing this is to create two partials:


Steve Woolley wrote:

This does seem to be a bit laborious when it seems partials are so flexible. Should I be using partials for this type of widget? Is their some way to accomplish this via a single partial instead of a partial for the first part of the table and a partial for the end part of the table?

Use a helper instead. Something like:

def tablize options = {}, &block   # Set some default values   options[:width] ||= '100%'   options[:label] ||= 'Box Label'   header = content_tag(:tr, content_tag(:th, h(options[:label])))   body = content_tag :tr, content_tag(:td, capture(&block))   table = content_tag :table, header+body,                  :id => :box, :width => options[:width]   concat table, block.binding end

Then in your views you can do:

<% tablize :width => '97%', :label => 'A Label' do %>   <b>Some Text</b><br />   <b>Some More Text</b><br />   <b>Some More Text</b><br />   <b>Some More Text</b> <% end %>

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful...

works like a champ. Thanks for your help!

Mark Bush wrote: