Rails 3 - Nested Forms, using Builder -- Check_box issue

Hello, I have the following:

My Controller:

      def new     .     .         @teammembers.each do |teammember|             request = @request_thread.requests.build(:recipient_id => teammember.user_id, :full_name => 'Billy Bob T')         end

My View: . .   <%= f.fields_for :requests do |builder| %>

    <div class="field">       <%= builder.label :full_name %>       <%= builder.check_box :recipient_id, :checked => false %>     </div>   <% end %> . . The nested form for requests only holds the user_id, not the user.name... Problem is in the nested form, I need to show the user.name next to the check_box. So I tried adding a virtual attribute in the model (attr_accessor :full_name), so I could use full_name but I can't see to access that in the nested form (inside builder).

Also, the checkbox doesn't have the recipient_id as the value being set? I want to use the checkbox to tell Rails whether or not to create the record or not on submit using something like this in the model ":reject_if => lambda { |a| a[:recipient_id].blank? }"

Anyone with fields_for experience?

Any tips or suggestions from the pros?


Follow-up, in the nested form if I have:

    <div class="field">       <%= item.label :recipient_id %>       <%= item.text_field :recipient_id %>       <%= item.check_box :recipient_id %>     </div>

I get an output of

<div class="field"> <label for="request_thread_requests_attributes_1_recipient_id">Recipient</

<input id="request_thread_requests_attributes_1_recipient_id" name="request_thread[requests_attributes][1][recipient_id]" size="30" type="text" value="61"> <input name="request_thread[requests_attributes][1][recipient_id]" type="hidden" value="0"><input checked="checked" id="request_thread_requests_attributes_1_recipient_id" name="request_thread[requests_attributes][1][recipient_id]" type="checkbox" value="1"> </div>

So the ID I want is working for text_field but not check_box

Shouldn't this work: "<%= item.check_box :recipient_id, :value => :recipient_id %>"

That outputs: <input checked="checked" id="request_thread_requests_attributes_1_recipient_id" name="request_thread[requests_attributes][1][recipient_id]" type="checkbox" value="1">

the value is wrong. All the checkboxes show value 1. Yet, this "<%= item.text_field :recipient_id %>" gets the right value?