[Rails 3] link_to_remote, no action

The url in the link to remote below does not have the action in the url. Ideas?

link_to_remote(comment.text, :url => {:controller=>‘workshop_comments’,:action=>‘index’,:id=>comment}))

The index action is not required in the url as index should be the default route (ie http:/mydomain.com/my_controller/ should route to my_controller#index)


It was going to the create action even though it said WorkCommentsController#index

It was going to the create action even though it said WorkCommentsController#index

Please don't top post, it makes it difficult to follow the thread. Insert your reply at the appropriate points in the previous message. Thanks.

If it is going to the wrong action you have a problem with your routes (routes.rb).

See the Rails Guide on Routes if you are not familiar with how these work.
