rails 3 download - where ?

I'm trying to update my rails from 2.3.8 to 3.0, where can I get the kit from ?

Thanks, Dani

gem install rails --pre

this will install rails 3.0 rc1

All the best,


Ryan Bates from railscasts.com has an excellent screencast on this subject. The links you are looking for are on the page under resources.


Fidel Viegas wrote:

gem install rails --pre

this will install rails 3.0 rc1

All the best,


thank you. this has helped upgrading, problem is I got the following error: ERROR: While executing gem ... (Errno::EINVAL)        Invalid argument - ./</cdesc-<.yaml

Any idee what this means ? Thnks, Dani

If you want to upgrade from previous versions, I suggest you look into

I haven't really played with Rails 3 that serious. I am still using 2.3.8, and will only jump to rails 3 when it is production ready. But I have been playing with it from time to time and following quite a few books and tutorials.

