rails - 2 buttoms on a FORM

then, in my FORM there are 2 buttoms :

first to select a file to upload buttom="Parcourir" second to send the complete Form, buttom="ENVOYER"

"parcourir" is for to select a file to upload

but "ENVOYER" must validate the complete Form : - file selected presence - other fields validatation

if evrything is OK, i have to upload the file (and save it) and update a Table

how can i do this ?

Attachments: http://www.ruby-forum.com/attachment/2953/ex.doc

You could use javascript to change the target of your form when they click either button. This can get messy though. Each different form target can have it’s own validation.

-Jim http://jim-rants.com/coding-blog/

I guess you want to diferenciate clicks to different submit buttons. I did it like this:

<%= image_submit_tag('add_16.png', :name => "action_categories/new") %>

By specifiing name you can differenciate in controller which button was selected.

params.each do |e|   if e[0][0,7] == 'action_'     ctrl, action = e[0][7,100].split('/')     action ||= 'index'     break   end end

The example shows which controller/action call when submit button is pressed.

by TheR

then, in my FORM there are 2 buttoms :

first to select a file to upload buttom="Parcourir" second to send the complete Form, buttom="ENVOYER"

"parcourir" is for to select a file to upload

Isn't this button just going to come "for free" was part of the file
upload tag?
