Rails 2.1.0 / RSpec 1.1.4 mismatch?

Trying to do a simple controller test with RSpec 1.1.4 on Rails 2.1.0 --

   it "should render index template" do      do_get      response.should render_template('index')    end

:: results in a

1) NoMethodError in 'GroupsController handling GET /groups should render index template' undefined method `rendered_file' for #<ActionController::TestResponse:0x1eb8f60>

Meanwhile, NetBeans shows a deprecation warning with `render_template`, but changing it to the recommended form:      response.should render :template => 'index'

:: results in

1) NoMethodError in 'GroupsController handling GET /groups should render index template' undefined method `render' for #<Spec::Rails::Example::ControllerExampleGroup::Subclass_1::Subclass_1:0x1701ab0>

Anyone seen this before, and/or have any suggestions?

