Rails 2.0.2 Migration / Migrator issue

Windows XP, Rails 2.0.2, Ruby 1.8.5, sqlite3-ruby (1.2.1), SQLite version 3.3.8

I am hitting the following issue when using the ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix This a basic _out the box_ issue At a command prompt

rails foo cd foo ruby script\generate model foo name:string --force

In an editor add the following to the environment.rb file

Rails::Initializer.run do |config|

  # Lots of stuff

  # config.active_record.default_timezone = :utc # THIS HERE !! config.active_record.table_name_prefix= 'boo_' end

(Save ...)

At the prompt again

rake db:migrate -t rake db:test:clone -t sqlite3 db\test.sqlite3

SQLite version 3.3.8 Enter ".help" for instructions


boo_boo_foos boo_boo_schema_info

The table names are hosed ... !

Please can anyone help by confirming this problem exists outwith my environment ?

The problem is in the active_record/migration file #proper_table_name method which assumes that the table <name> argument is not proper ...

The following fixes the problem Create a file config\initializers\migration.rb

Copy the following to it

require 'active_record/migration'

module ActiveRecord

  class Migrator#:nodoc:

    class << self

      # overide to check for table name propriety       def proper_table_name( name )         name.table_name rescue make_proper_table_name( name )       end

      def make_proper_table_name( name )         is_proper_table_name?( name ) ? name :

"#{ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix}#{name}#{ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_suffix}"       end

      def is_proper_table_name?( name )         name_string = name.to_s

        (not name_string.empty?) and           name_string.starts_with? ( "#{ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix}" ) and           name_string.ends_with? ( "#{ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_suffix}" )       end

    end   end end

(Save ...)

Delete the db\*.sqlite3 and db\schema.rb files Then

rake db:migrate rake db:test:clone sqlite3 db\test.sqlite3

SQLite version 3.3.8 Enter ".help" for instructions


boo_foos boo_schema_info

The tables are as expected.

Can anyone confirm this before I take it further.

Thanks for all and any help!

Cheers! sinclair