problem with the find_every routine in ActiveResource base.rb

I've been getting errors with the find_every routine whenever I try to get a list of items when there are either only zero or one item.

Since I'm a bit of a nube, I assume that this is an error in the our server code. However, I also found that everything worked much better when I patched the routine with the following code. It seemed to handle all of the cases with grace and ease.

Is this likely a stupid error in the server rendering? or is this a valid patch?

private         # { :people => { :person => [ person1, person2 ] } }         def find_every(options)           data = connection.get(collection_path(options))           if data.values.first.nil?                        else             if data.values.first.values.first.class == Array               data.values.first.values.first.collect { |element| new(element, options) }             else # It is a HASH               data.values.first.values.collect { |element| new(element, options) }             end           end         end

- Reid