Problem with extend rails(add new function in lib)

I do things below:

In lib/translater.rb class Translater require "rubygems" require "rmmseg" include "RMMSeg" ... def segment(text)    RMMSeg::segment(text) end end

in helper/xx/xxx.rb module xx   require "translater.rb"   def translate(text)   end end

when i use helper method tranlate, erros: undefined method `segment' for RMMSeg:Module But when I test these in a simple ruby program it works well Can anyone help me ?

Can anyone help me ~~

Can anyone help me ~~

What's the run method in translater? ALso it looks like this isn't the exact code that is running - for example include "RMMSeg" is almost certainly include RMMSeg; it's very hard to say anything about code when it has been changed in small ways in between what you're running and this mailing list - those changes could be key or could be hiding the real problem.


Thanks! class Translater   require "rubygems"   require "rmmseg"   include RMMSeg

  RMMSeg::Config.max_word_length = 7   RMMSeg::Config.algorithm = :complex   RMMSeg::Config.dictionaries = [["dict/chars.dic", true],                                  ["dict/words.dic", false],                                  ["dict/desc.dic", false],                                  ["dict/identity.dic", false],                                  ["dict/name.dic", false],                                  ]

  Word = {}, "dict", "word_china_english.trans")).each do |line|     arr = line.split(" ")     arr[1] = arr[0] unless arr[1]     Word[arr[0]] = Word[arr[1]]   end   def self.segment(phrase)     p RMMSeg::Config.max_word_length     RMMSeg::segment(phrase)   end

  def     words = segment(phrase)     translation = ""     words.each do |word|        translation += Word[word].to_s + " "     end     translation   end


The actual problem is : why can not i use methods of some libray (rmmseg in this exam) in rails. I can use it in simple ruby program. In rails, I encapsulate that method(segment) by a ruby class (Translater), and put the source in folder lib/ when using it in helper functions, problem occurs like this: undefined method `segment' for RMMSeg:Module

Thanks for your help again!

Thanks! class Translater require "rubygems" require "rmmseg" include RMMSeg

RMMSeg::Config.max_word_length = 7 RMMSeg::Config.algorithm = :complex RMMSeg::Config.dictionaries = [["dict/chars.dic", true],                                 ["dict/words.dic", false],                                 ["dict/desc.dic", false],                                 ["dict/identity.dic", false],                                 ["dict/name.dic", false],                                 ]

Word = {}, "dict", "word_china_english.trans")).each do |line|    arr = line.split(" ")    arr[1] = arr[0] unless arr[1]    Word[arr[0]] = Word[arr[1]] end def self.segment(phrase)    p RMMSeg::Config.max_word_length    RMMSeg::segment(phrase) end

def    words = segment(phrase)    translation = ""    words.each do |word|       translation += Word[word].to_s + " "    end    translation end


The actual problem is : why can not i use methods of some libray (rmmseg in this exam) in rails. I can use it in simple ruby program.

You must be doing something slightly different in your standalone ruby
script. The segment method from the RMMSeg module can't be called on
RMMSeg itself. You need to include the module in something

if you were to remove the segment method you've defined and replace it
with extend RMMSeg then it would probably work. or equivalently

class Translater    ...    class << self      include RMSSeg      def run(phrase)        ....      end    end end


It works, using extend RMMSeg thank you ~~